Dinner Together

December 29, 2023

Something as simple as sharing a meal together as a family is quickly fading away these days. In our fast-paced modern world, where everyone is constantly on the move, the significance of spending time together as a family is more crucial than ever. Amidst the chaos of daily life, one tradition stands strong – sharing a meal as a family. Beyond the basic act of nourishing our bodies, family meals offer so many benefits that contribute to the overall well-being of us as moms and the family unit.

Now, I’m not saying every night you need to be all seated around the dinner table- because lets face it, that isn’t practical for most of us, but I do want to encourage you to make it a part of your family routine. Maybe once a month to start if that feels like something you could handle and then slowly transition to twice a month and then maybe once a week.

I feel like something so simple can seem so over complicated or stressful, especially when sometimes at the end of the day both parents can find themselves “running on fumes” from the busy day they have had. So I wanted to just take a few minutes and share a few reasons why I think its important, and encourage you to make it a part of your Family Life.

Building Stronger Connections

Sharing a meal provides a unique opportunity for family members to connect on a deeper level. It is a time when conversations flow naturally, fostering a sense of intimacy and understanding among one another. During this time I want to encourage you to take the simple “extra” step of removing technology from the table. Put a basket somewhere in the kitchen away from the table or just leave all the phones in the living room. I know as a mom I pretty much always have my phone in my hand or pocket, or on the table or the counter. Even if you don’t answer it or look at it while your at the table by having it at the table it sends the message that you value it over your family. Also I will be completely honest in saying that if its at the table I will probably look at it simply out of habit because that is what has become the norm in our society- as sad as that seems. Just out it away. You’ll be amazed at the change it creates. With the absence of distractions like electronic devices, family members can engage in meaningful discussions, share their experiences, and offer support to one another. I know it sounds crazy -and you may even judge me for this statement but- I actually feel like I listen better when my phone isn’t even around. Like I am more invested in the conversation because I don’t have the “out” of my phone being there to get me out of the conversation if it gets awkward or something. I know- judge away- just being honest, I don’t always like people. lol

Cultural and Emotional Nourishment

Meals often serve as a reflection of cultural heritage, passing down traditions and recipes from one generation to the next. Especially down here in the South! By sharing a meal together, families not only get to enjoy delicious food, but also be a part of the culture around them and the heritage and memories from generations before. Additionally, lets be honest, there is almost always a story or two that goes with food. Sitting together with no distractions gives you the time to share those stories which offers an emotional nourishment derived from the warmth and comfort of a shared meal together sharing stories about family members. A perfect example of this is a story I heard for the first time about my husbands Great Grandmother this Christmas. If we hadn’t been all sitting around the table without distractions -except for my crazy children eating beside us- I maybe would have never heard the story and felt a connection to her even though I never got to meet her. This then prompted a conversation between Kyle’s grandmother and I talking about memories she had of her mom. So another moment created between me and his grandmother all from sharing a meal together around the table.

Improved Communication

This one is a big one for me. It is scientifically proven that regular family meals contribute to the development of effective communication skills, especially among children. As your kids hear or are a part of conversations during meals, children learn to express themselves, listen actively, and comprehend different perspectives. These skills are absolutely invaluable in building strong interpersonal relationships inside and outside the family unit and are crucial for success in every stage of life.

Stress Reduction and Relaxation

The hustle and bustle of daily life can absolutely feel overwhelming, especially to a mom. A shared family meal can be a moment and a sense of relief from all of that. When you’re sitting at the table, you are expected to just sit there and that can be so nice, your kids are eating and the only thing that’s expected of you is to eat too. It allows all of you to unwind, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. This break from everything else that is going on around you can be a welcome since of reduced stress.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, but you just had to cook that meal. Yes, maybe you did, but I want you to know is that the meal doesn’t have to be a home cooked meal. You might have gone through the drive through on your ay home and picked up a Family Dinner Box from Popeyes or a few boxes of Pizza. The main thing I want you to understand is that it doesn’t matter what you are eating. Its the action of all sitting around the table together without distractions and spending time together.

In a world where time is so precious, the tradition of sharing a meal as a family stands as a timeless practice that enriches the lives of each of us individually and strengthens the bonds within our family. It is not about the food on the table but the connections, conversations, and shared experiences that make these moments so significant. As families come together to share meals, they contribute to a foundation of love, support, and understanding that lasts a lifetime. So, lets cherish and prioritize this simple tradition, ensuring that the occasional family meal remains an important piece of our Family Puzzle.


I’m Jacqueline, an Everyday Mom with a heart to create community and encourage others as we muddle through marriage & motherhood together. Whether you are an expecting mom, a new mom, a seasoned pro, or somewhere in between, welcome to our cozy corner of the internet. If you are looking for a community of women where we celebrate, share, and support each other on this beautiful chaotic journey of motherhood-You have found your place. Let’s build a supportive village where we can swap stories, ask questions, and inspire one another.

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